Monday, 4 April 2011

The Supperb night of Margot's Kitchen Club!

The menu
Hello there! Anyone who’s been wondering where I’ve been, I am back this week to report the news from the supper club. I’ve been very busy with the organization of the events, and I’m sorry I didn’t have time to publish any recipe last week (or this week).

I’m very pleased to say that the first Margot’s Kitchen Supper Club was a great success. We had two nights of hard work but it was great fun! The diners brought a brilliant atmosphere to my lounge-turned-dining-room. And I’m very proud that the Brazilian chef Gabriel Vidolin - who I first met at Terra Madre, in Turin -, accepted my invitation to be the guest chef. He is a star: talented, young and at the same time very experienced.

On the first night, I was so nervous with excitement that I felt, for a few minutes, like the main character in the King’s speech, with the words stuck in my throat. Nothing that a sip of a wonderful Austrian red from Merry Widows couldn’t sort out. The flowers offered by my neighbour Kate, and owner of the gorgeous Achillea flower shop, plus the menu designed by Nick Bartolucci, dressed the tables wonderfully (thank you very much, Kate and Nick, for your help and support). 

Gabriel delivered the most beautiful and mouth-wateringly flavoursome dishes. I think I can safely say that the guests were happy with the evening. I, myself, was over the moon (even with the washing up keeping me busy well into the small hours).

This coming Friday and Saturday, the 8th and the 9th, we’ll run two more Margot’s Kitchen Supper Clubs featuring Gabriel Vidolin. For those disappointed that I’m not publishing a recipe this week, I promise to write in the next post one of Gabriel’s delights (with the usual nutritional run down, of course). 

amouse bouche
the lounge-turned-dining-room
Diners on day 1
a dessert to die for
and the heat was on
diners on day 1
diners on day 2
Diners at the chef's table
Gabriel chatting with some diners
 Till next week!


  1. Tô frequentando o blog, mas os jantares... ah como eu adoraria.
    Wish we could be there. kisses Gui and Tu

  2. Tutu querida! Ah, como eu queria voces nesse embalo com a gente. Mas os quadros do Gui dominando a sala, eh como se voces estivessem presentes aqui de alguma forma. Os jantares sao a cara de voces. Saudades e muitos beijos

  3. Dear Margot,

    thank you so much for a wonderful dinner-supper club last Saturday. We had great time and the food was just amazing. It was a success! Send my love to Gabriel, he is a star!


  4. Dear Natalya, thank you so much. I am happy that you had a good time. It was a pleasure hosting you guys! Hope to see you soon in Billingsgate :-)


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