Monday 31 January 2011

Joining the Blogosphere

Hello! After months of trying to make this blog become alive, the day has finally arrived. This is my first day of many - my aim is to share with you, on a weekly basis, some of my own experiences with the food I cook, eat, read about, research, sometimes indulge in, demystify, dislike etc. I will, as often as I can, include some recipes and their nutritional properties. I like real food, meals that are cooked in traditional ways , made from real organic ingredients and fresh produce that we can find in our local health food store, farmers market, supermarket or, even better, for some lucky ones, we can pick from our own vegetable patch. I like meals that are good for the body and the soul, because food has to be about pleasure as well as the nourishment. My kitchen is my medicine cabinet. 

Welcome to my blog! Hope you enjoy it!


  1. Very good! Your blog is fantastic. A beautiful presentation, very well written and appealing. He gave me homesick for chicken soup, which to me has a taste of childhood. Congratulations! I will be here next week.
    Valega - Portugal

  2. Margot! Boa sorte e vida longa ao Margot´s Kitchen! Está lindo. Parabéns! Beijos, N

  3. Yummy! I never thought that chiken soup could sound - and especially look - so good, so mouth watering! Great recipe and very nice photos. I'll definitely try to make some. One question: if I can't find Gojy berries (they're not so easy to get hold of where I live), what could I use instead? Or could I just leave it out without compromising the taste? Congrats for the blog! Helena

  4. Went to see Margot for a course in December and what an insight it was for me, as well as an inspiration for trying something new, healthy, tasty,fun and not at all daunting to make. I have had the pleasure of eating this soup as I was unwell over the cold spell and needed all the help I could get. As modern medicine could not do all this for me nutrition was a saviour for me and this soup "does what it says on the tin" as they say. Thanks for your help Margot and look forward to your next blog. Well done. Az x

  5. Rose, Thank you very much! I am glad you like it and hopefully I will see you around here every week.

    Neide, O Come-se (leia-se, voce!) eh a minha fonte de pesquisas e inspiracao! Muito obrigada!

    Helena, Thank you very much! If you can't find Goji berries near where you live (you may try to look for them next time you pass by a Chinese market or shop), it won't affect the nutritional value of the soup nor compromise the taste. It is true that they add good flavour and other nutritional value to it but they are not essential.

    Az, what can I say...thank you so much for your lovely words and encouragement! If all my "students" were like you I would feel extremely rewarded. You are more than welcome! x

  6. Irmaozinha...Alguma receita de empadão com bastante catupiry ???hahaha...Desculpe-me pela brincadeira, mas adorei o seu blog e tb adorei te ver !!! bjs William Nemer

  7. William querido!!! Que bom te ver aqui!!! E o obrigada pela forca! Eh o seguinte: Se a gente se "comportar" 80%, com a nossa dieta, nao tem problema, de vez em quando, liberar os 20%. Mesmo que a gente fique reclamando depois da barriga pesada :-) Adorei receber sua mensagem. Muitas saudades. Um Beijo grande, irmaozinho!

  8. Tah um sucesso!! Adorei e vou fazer a sopa enquanto mamae anda por aqui. Beijos, Adri

  9. Margot, fantastica a ideia da receita e de suas propriedades. Adorei. Voce eh uma campea.
    Beijos, tia Mara

  10. Oi Margot, adorei o blog. Voce está dando aulas também? bjs e muito sucesso! Wanessa

  11. Wanessa querida, muito obrigada! Estou dando aulas tbem. Venha um dia me visitar. Bj grande!


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